Zhenyuan Wang - Graduate Student - Graduate Student - Member
Office: 532 C Davey
Address: 532C Davey Lab, University Park, PA 16802
Email: zzw173@psu.edu
Phone: +1 814 865 0419
Research Topics
| Cosmic Surveys |

Zhenyuan is a grad student in the Department of Astronomy at Penn State. His research focuses on the theoretical modeling of the large-scale structure of the universe using perturbation theories.


  1. Zhenyuan Wang, Yangyao Chen, Yi Mao, Houjun Mo, Huiyuan Wang, Hong Guo, Cheng Li, Jian Fu, Yipeng Jing, Jing Wang, Xiaohu Yang, Zheng Zheng, "The Breakdown Scale of H I Bias Linearity." The Astrophysical Journal 907 1 (2021)