Welcome! I'm Steve Kerby, a graduate student here at the PSU Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics. My research with Dr. Abe Falcone focuses on high-energy astronomy using observations from the Fermi and Swift space telescopes. Before arriving at PSU, I studied physics and astronomy at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, graduating in 2019. I'm originally from Wheaton, a suburb of Chicago, incidentally the hometown of Edwin Hubble and Grote Reber (the father of radio astronomy). Outside of my academic work, I spend time playing the bass, practicing martial arts, and hiking. My research with Dr. Abe Falcone focuses on emission of pulsars, blazars, and other sources using survey data from the Fermi and Swift space telescopes. Examining the unassociated Fermi-LAT sources using follow-up Swift observations, I hope to build more complete samples of galactic and extra-galactic sources while examining in detail their spectra. My other research collaborations include work in SETI, variable stars, and galactic halos.