Michael Ryan - Graduate Student - Graduate Student - Member
Office: 301C Whitmore
Address: 104 Davey Laboratory #65
Email: mzr55@psu.edu
Phone: --
| Physics |
Research Topics
| Black Holes | Dark Matter |

Michael is a 5th year graduate student working in the dissipative dark matter group on dark chemistry, DarkKROME, and dark object formation. He is also working with David Radice on dark white dwarfs.


  1. James Gurian, Donghui Jeong, Michael Ryan, Sarah Shandera, "Molecular Chemistry for Dark Matter II: Recombination, Molecule Formation, and Halo Mass Function in Atomic Dark Matter." ()
  2. Michael Ryan, James Gurian, Sarah Shandera, Donghui Jeong, "Molecular Chemistry for Dark Matter." ()
  3. Michael Ryan, Sarah Shandera, James Gurian, Donghui Jeong, "Molecular Chemistry for Dark Matter III: DarkKROME." ()
  4. Michael Ryan, David Radice, "Exotic Compact Objects: The Dark White Dwarf." (2022)