Jacob Bourjaily - Associate Professor - Faculty - Member
Office: 321A Osmond Laboratory
Address: 104 Davey Laboratory University Park, PA 16802 US
Email: bourjaily@psu.edu
Phone: +1 814 865 7533
| Physics |
Research Topics
| Mathematical Structures |

I began my career in science as an undergraduate studying physics and mathematics at the University of Michigan. Upon graduation, I took up a Marshall Scholarship to pursue a degree in Mathematics at Cambridge University before starting doctoral work at Princeton University, where I earned my PhD in 2011 under the supervision of Nima Arkani-Hamed at the Institute for Advanced Study, writing a thesis on Quantum Field Theory and the Analytic S-Matrix. After Princeton, I was elected to the Harvard Society of Fellows, where I spent several years working on what would become the book, Grassmannian Geometry of Scattering Amplitudes, published by Cambridge University Press. I moved to Copenhagen in 2014 to join the faculty at the Niels Bohr International Academy of the University of Copenhagen, where I still maintain an affiliation. While in Copenhagen, my work earned support from the Villum Foundation and the European Research Council, allowing me to recruit and collaborate with a number of outstanding researchers (see below). I took up my current position at Penn State in 2020, and am looking forward to many exciting years here.


  1. Jacob Bourjaily, Andrew McLeod, Cristian Vergu, Matthias Volk, Matt Von Hippel, Matthias Wilhelm, "{Rooting Out Letters: Octagonal Symbol Alphabets and Algebraic Number Theory}." JHEP 02 (2020)
  2. Jacob Bourjaily, Nikhil Kalyanapuram, Cameron Langer, Kokkimidis Patatoukos, Marcus Spradlin, "{Elliptic, Yangian-Invariant \textquotedblleft{}Leading Singularity\textquotedblright{}}." Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 20 (2021)
  3. Jacob Bourjaily, Cameron Langer, Kokkimidis Patatoukos, "{Locally-finite quantities in sYM}." JHEP 04 (2021)
  4. Jacob Bourjaily, Enrico Herrmann, Cameron Langer, Kokkimidis Patatoukos, Jaroslav Trnka, Minshan Zheng, "{Integrands of less-supersymmetric Yang-Mills at one loop}." JHEP 03 (2022)