Daniel LaRocca - Postdoctoral Scholar - Postdoc - Member
Office: -- --
Address: 525 Davey Laboratory University Park, PA 16802 US
Email: dml6156@psu.edu
Phone: +1 847 284 4998
| Astronomy |
Research Topics
| Dark Matter | Dynamic Universe |



  1. Jesse Bluem, Philip Kaaret, William Fuelberth, Anna Zajczyk, Daniel LaRocca, R. Ringuette, Keith Jahoda, K. Kuntz, "{A HaloSat Analysis of the Cygnus Superbubble}." Astrophys. J. 905 2 (2020)
  2. Joseph Colosimo, Abraham Falcone, Mitchell Wages, Samuel Hull, David Burrows, Mitchell Range, Fredric Hancock, Cole Armstrong, Gooderham McCormick, Daniel LaRocca, "{Measuring the Quantum Efficiency of X-Ray Hybrid CMOS Detectors}." (2021)
  3. P. Kaaret, others, "{HaloSat: A CubeSat to Study the Hot Galactic Halo}." Astrophys. J. 884 2 (2019)
  4. E. Silich, K. Jahoda, L. Angelini, P. Kaaret, A. Zajczyk, D. LaRocca, R. Ringuette, J. Richardson, "{A Search for the 3.5 keV Line from the Milky Way\textquoteright{}s Dark Matter Halo with HaloSat}." Astrophys. J. 916 1 (2021)