Abe Falcone - Research Professor - Faculty - Member
Office: 503 Davey
Address: 0525 Davey Laboratory University Park, PA 16802 US
Email: adf15@psu.edu
Phone: +1 814 863 5364
| Astronomy |

The Falcone Group consists of two working groups: The High Energy Astrophysics Detector and Instrumentation (HEADI) Lab and the High Energy Analysis Group. Abe Falcone is the Principal Investigator for both research groups. Please see the group website at https://sites.psu.edu/headilab/


  1. C. Adams, others, "{The throughput calibration of the VERITAS telescopes}." Astron. Astrophys. 658 (2022)
  2. Roberta Zanin, others, "{CTA \textendash{} the World\textquoteright{}s largest ground-based gamma-ray observatory}." PoS ICRC2021 (2022)
  3. N. White, others, "{The Gamow Explorer: A gamma-ray burst observatory to study the high redshift universe and enable multi-messenger astrophysics}." Astronomy 22 (2021)

My research group